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animal nursery visit Domaine de la Dombes
animal nursery visit Domaine de la Dombes

Discover the job of an animal carer and take care of our animals during a visit

The Domaine de la Dombes offers private visits of 1h o learn the exciting job of animal carer and discover the nursery and its babies.

Through this immersion in the heart of the animals’ parks, live a ludic and convivial experience. During which, children and parents will be directly immersed in the action and invited to work hands-on.

Ludic visit Domaine de la Dombes

Our 2 private visits with an animal carer

Nursery visit

To be as close as possible to the babies

The educational tour begins with a presentation of the different eggs and feathers collected in the aviary. Not easy to guess which species they come from? Laura and Enzo (the caretakers and experts) are on hand to guide the children and answer any crazy questions.

Then, comes the pampering of those eggs, we learn to check them with a lamp. The impregnated will be placed in an incubator, then after a few weeks they will be placed in a hatcher. A bit of patience for the babies to come out of their shell!

After the theory, comes the practice! It’s time to take care of the new-born. First of all, inspection of the food and water mess tin, followed by the discovery of the births, the maintenance of the pen, no time to get bored! Finally, the diploma ceremony of the deserving apprentice animal carer ends this adventure.

Ains’tant soigneur visit

Animals are your passion? Come discover the job of animal carer at the Domaine de la Dombes and spend a special time with the animals.


The small farm with our dwarf goats, very playful and above all very greedy. The first task of the apprentice caretakers is to feed them hay. Then it’s off to pamper them with a few green leaves here and a few caresses there… They share the enclosure with a bunch of rabbits and guinea pigs who don’t let themselves be petted easily, but a delicious dandelion might change their minds!

The aviary, a small haven of peace for our feathered friends. Beware where you walk, between the ducks’ droppings and the risk of rushing a hen, a pheasant or a peacock. On the schedule, a little egg hunt. Well hidden, it is hard to differ the real ones from the fake ones placed by our animal carers. We then learn that those fake eggs are really a precious help to encourage the egg-laying. Depending on the time, the aviary is also a feather field. Some longs, some smaller, some colourful, there are so many species in the aviary. Thankfully, Flavien is here to share its knowledge in the matter.

The toy donkey park to meet our latest resident, a cute little colt named NOISETTE, who arrived in April 2023. Daddy NOUGAT and big sister GRISETTE are not shy, and are easy to pet and brush. The apprentice caretakers are so busy cuddling the little foal that they don’t even think about feeding them!

Little farm – small donkeys park – aviary

Conditions & booking:

  • 60€ an hour or privatisation
  • Up to 6 persons maximum (1 adult obligatory)
  • Ain’stant soigneur visit from 4.15pm to 5.15pm
  • Nursery visit from 10am to 11am or from 5.30pm to 6.30pm
  • From April to November

Booking by phone precising the type of visit, the date and the time slot wanted.

Offer a privileged moment

with the animals

What if you offered a gift coupon for an animal visit for a birthdayor as a reward for good school results? Too many toys, no original idea for this year… A precious moment to share as a family will for sure make your child happy (2 years validity).

Offer a gift coupon

What our visitors say

A special note to Flavien the animal carer, who guided us during the visit of the nursery: its explenations and kindness made this visit extraordinary! Our son still talks about it! We can only recommand!


A huge thank you to Flavien for its time and its passion. He was able to make us dream with the nursery. Unforgettable stay for the entire family. Complete change of scenery, great activities, big spaces for animals and real respect of them and their wellbeing. We will come back!


Did you know?

Since 2020, the Domaine de la Dombes opened its nursery in order to sensitize on the fauna in general and particularly the fauna of the Dombes. In order to assure the wellbeing of our residents, know that the founds recolted thanks to the visits are entirely reinvested (food, enrichment, construction of shelters…). A variety of species are born each year, for the greatest pleasure of the animal carers which are taking good care of them, and of our visitors.