Published on 23 November 2022

Les ateliers de Tittibha organize Yoga sessions at the Domaine de la Dombes !

Tittibha Yoga

Discover Sylvie, freshly graduated with the certification Yoga Alliance, recognized by the profession internationally.

As a nursery teacher for 14 years, I’ve always been keen to develop children’s gross motor skills by listening to their emotions through motor skills workshops. As a self-taught yoga practitioner for over 20 years and an assiduous follower during the covid, my yoga practice has broadened to include the idea that yoga is more than just postures: it’s an antidote to stress and anxiety! That’s why I chose to train and become a yoga teacher, a new string to my bow in my educational work. Of course, the role of the body is central, but the psychic, emotional and spiritual dimensions are also integrated into the gentle yoga I now offer to adults and parents alike, accompanied by their children: a genuine moment of sharing, complicity and relaxation in the magical setting of the Domaine de la Dombes!

The goal: relax, unwind and find yourself back, all of that close to nature

Dates of the next Yoga worshops

You are coming soon to the Domaine or you live near Saint Paul de Varax, discover the dates and schedules of the next workshops organised by Tittibha Yoga at the Domaine de la Dombes


15€/pers (from 12 years old)

Dates: 5th of November from 10am to 11am

Learn to listen to the needs of your body and your soul


20€ the duo (from 4 years old)

Dates: no more date for the end of the season, possibility to ask for a private session

An accomplice experience of relaxation and fun with your family


12,50€/pers (from 6 to 12 years old)

Date: no more date for the end of the season, possibility to ask for a private session

Lean with Yoganimé, a pedagogic book for a fun approach. Autumn & Halloween thematic

Yoga initiation adults & children


Sessions of 45min to 1h outdoors, or sheltered under a teepee if weather conditions are capricious. Small groups of up to 6 people Meet 15min before the start of the session at the activity center Yogamats available on loan

How to book?

Directly by contacting:

06 23 76 80 28


Book your place in advance, only 6 persons by session.

Payment directly on the spot by cash or cheque.

Outdoor Yoga

Several studies show that practicing yoga outdoor helps with the relaxation and focus, two key elements of yoga.

4 good reasons to practice yoga outdoor

  • In nature, the feelings of energy and vitality are multiplied

By breathing the fresh air, I am conscious of my breathing, I feel the oxygen runing through my body, I empty my mind completly, I feel alive, I am full of energy. My brain is going to release hormones that bring serenity and wellness

  • In a natural environment, all the senses are stimulated

Smell, sight, touch and hearing are a lot more developed outside. And it can be really interesting to practice it at different times of the year (Spring, Summer, Autumn)

  • Doing Yoga in another environment helps building self-confidence

Getting out of your comfort zone requires you to let go and have self-confidence. Because practicing outdoor, it’s taking the risk to be seen, maybe judged and assume your practice. Obviously, it is not reserved to confirmed persons, on the contrary.

  • Fresh air helps to enter into meditation

Many persons imagine that it is ideal to practice yoga where only the voice of the teacher breaks the silence. However, the sounds of nature can be as useful, especially for the different types of meditation. Indeed, the sensations of a slight breeze on your body, the sound of the leaves in the trees or of the lapping on the water of the pond can be great ways to find the needed peace to enter into meditation.